20th October
Saint Paul’s School, 498 Don Buck Road, Massey, Auckland.
Championships and Beginners tournaments between teams from Catholic Primary Schools in Auckland.
Both tournaments would be run as 6 round swiss systems between teams.
Teams consist of 4 players (with optional reserve) in years 1 to 6 from the same school. Schools may have multiple teams in the same tournament.
Players must be ranked in order of playing strength within a team; the order must be declared before the start of the event and must not change during the event.
Note that teams may be paired against another team from the same school.
Chess clocks are used for all games.
Games are played with rapid time control of 15 minutes each player plus 5 seconds increment per move from move one.
Winning teams from Championships and Beginners tournaments would have their school name engraved on the trophies.
All players in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed teams would receive certificates.
Top players for each board (1 to 4) would receive certificates.
Self service tea and coffee is available for accompanying adults.
There is no canteen available so players would need to bring their own food and drink.
Tuesday 20th October 2020
9am till 2.30pm.
We will conclude the competition earlier if possible.
$20 per team
All entries will be acknowledged and listed on this webpage.
Account for online payment: 12 3085 0310721 00 (state school name & CHESS).
Cheques payable to “St Paul’s Catholic School” and posted to:
PO Box 83-234, Westgate, Auckland 0657.
Invoices and/or receipts can be provided on request.
Only first 30 teams accepted due to space constraints.
Entries close Thursday 15th October 2020. Late entries may be accepted.
Auckland Catholic Primary Schools Chess Competition
Championship division entries and results would be published here.
Beginners division entries and results would be published here.